I've been intrigued at how many different aspects of a home hits home with perspebuyers. Recently, there have been several buyers that have previewed my listings and mentioned that they asked about birds. Yes Birds!
I'm surprised to find out how big bird watching is. It seems to be a popular past time shared by many...And the the back yard is a great place to enjoy it. Thanks to a few landscaping techniques, you can trade your binoculars for a lawn char and enjoy bird watching from the convenience and comfort of your own home.
Attracting Birds of A Feather
If you want to attract local birds to your backyard, you have to make it a place that they will be drawn to. One way of doing this is by studying the feeding and/or nesting habits of the local birds that you want to attract. Birds have unique characteristics that are specific to their type and knowing what they enjoy will be your first step toward inviting them to your home.
Bird Basics
Birds need three basic things - food, shelter and water. By planting familiar foliage, you will be providing a protective covering for birds. Flowers, inviting nesting areas and a birdbath will provide additional comfort.
Bird food, which is commonly available at just about any retail store, is often specific to certain bird types. For instance, black oil sunflower seeds will attract goldfinches and chickadees, while millet seeds are appealing to doves and sparrows. If you want to attract hummingbirds, you will need to include a sugar-water feeder in your backyard landscaping. A bird feeder, which is used to house seeds and food for your backyard birds, should be cleaned regularly.
The Beautiful Bird Bath
Birdbaths are a great addition to your landscape if you want native birds to feel welcome. the single feature offers birds a way to bathe and drink, which makes your backyard very inviting to visiting birds. Adding fresh water and keep it clean and free of bacteria buildup always works to provide an inviting habitat for birds.
The Birdhouse
The cornerstone of attracting birds, is a birdhouse. These structures provide a safe environment and a way to feel secure. When choosing a birdhouse, consider the size of bird that you want to attract -- the size of the entrance is key. A quality birdhouse will have proper ventilation and drainage are also import. And by all means, keep the bird's nest dry and free of any water buildup.